
Am 8. und 9. Oktober 2015 kommen Journalisten, Wissenschaftler, Medienrechtsanwälte und Politiker zur European Media Freedom Conference des neu gegründeten Europäischen Zentrum für Presse- und Medienfreiheit (ECPMF) nach Leipzig, um an diesem historischen Ort und Datum abermals ein deutliches Zeichen für die Presse- und Medienfreiheit zu setzen.

In zahlreichen Panels und Workshops diskutieren mehr als 45 hochrangige Redner und Konferenzteilnehmer aus vielen europäischen Ländern über Themen wie Überwachung, Whistleblowing und europäisches Medienrecht.

Darunter unter anderen: Galina Arapova, Direktor Mass Media Defence Centre, Russland; Laura Garavini, italienische Parlamentsabgeordnete und Mitglied der Anti-Mafia-Kommission, Esad Hecimovic, investigativer Journalist, Bosnien; Hans-Ulrich Jörges, Chefredakteur Sonderaufgaben, Gruner + Jahr, Deutschland; Gabriele Bertolli, Europäische Kommission, Directorate Communications Networks; Melody Patry, Advocacy Officer, Index on Censorship, England; Ljiljana Smajlovic, Vorsitzende der serbischen Journalistengewerkschaft (UNS), Chefredakteurin Politika, Serbien; Tom Heinemann, preisgekrönter Dokumentarfilmer, Dänemark; Naser Selmani, Präsident Journalistenvereinigung Mazedonien; Alberto Spampinato, Gründer Ossigeno per l’Informazione, Italien; Dirk Voorhoof, Professor Internationales Medienrecht, Belgien; George Pleios, Professor Kultur & Massenmedien, Griechenland; Peter Matzneller, Leiter des Institut für Europäisches Medienrecht, Deutschland; Richard Peppiatt, Journalist, Naughty Step Productions, England; Peter Warren, Leiter Cyber Security Research Institute, England; Bjoern Rupp,Verschlüsselungsexperte, Deutschland; Vessilin Dimitrov, stellv. Chefredakteur Forbes,  Bulgarien; Ides Debruyne, Geschäftsführer Journalismfund.eu, Belgien; Besa Luci, Chefredaktuer Kosovo 2.0. u.v.m.

In die Konferenz integriert: Am Abend des 8. Oktober werden Nedim Şener (türkischer Journalist und Buchautor) und Jafar Panahi (iranischer Filmregisseur) mit dem 30.000 Euro dotierten „Preis für die Freiheit und Zukunft der Medien“ ausgezeichnet. Die Medienstiftung der Sparkasse Leipzig lädt die Kongressteilnehmer zur Verleihung herzlich ein.

Die Konferenzsprachen sind Deutsch und Englisch. Es wird simultan und konsekutiv übersetzt. 


On 8th and 9th October, media experts from across Europe will meet in Leipzig at the inaugural conference of the European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF) and spend two days in intensive discussions on themes like surveillance, source protection, whistleblowing and European media law.

Confirmed speakers include Galina Arapova, Director of the Mass Media Defence Centres, Russia; Laura Garavini, Italian MP and Anti-Mafia Commission member, Esad Hecimovic, investigative journalist, Bosnia; Hans-Ulrich Jörges, Editor in Chief Special Affairs, Gruner+Jahr, Germany; Gabriele Bertolli, European Commission, Directorate Communications Networks; Melody Patry, Advocacy Officer, Index on Censorship, UK; Ljiljana Smajlovic, Chief Editor of Politika, Serbia; Tom Heinemann, award-winning documentary filmmaker, Denmark; Naser Selmani, President, Association of Journalists of Macedonia; Alberto Spampinato, founder  Ossigeno per l’Informazione, Italy; Dirk Voorhoof, Professor International Media Law, Belgium; George Pleios, Professor Culture of Mass Media, Greece; Peter Matzneller, General Manager, Institute of European Media Law, Germany; Richard Peppiatt, journalist, Naughty Step Productions, UK; Peter Warren, Chairman, Cyber Security Research Institute, UK; Bjoern Rupp, encryption expert, Germany; Vessilin Dimitrov, Deputy Editor in Chief, Forbes Bulgaria; Ides Debruyne, Managing Director, Journalismfund.eu, Belgium; Besa Luci, Editor in Chief, Kosovo 2.0 … For more info please scroll down.

Integrated into the conference: on the evening of 8th October the Turkish journalist and author Nedim Sener and Jafar Pahani the Iranian film director will be awarded the 30,000 euro Prize for the Freedom and Future oft he Media Prize. The Media Foundation Sparkasse Leipzig warmly invites all attendees to join us for the award ceremony and evening reception.

Conference languages are English and German. Translations will be provided. 

Wednesday, October 7

19:00 CEST

Willkommensempfang/ welcome reception

Am Abend des 7. Oktober laden wir und die Medienstiftung der Sparkasse Leipzig Sie recht herzlich ein, bei einem kleinem Buffet und Getränken unser Gast in der historischen Villa Ida zu sein. Diese befindet sich auf der Menckestraße in kurzer Laufdistanz zum Mediencampus - dem Veranstaltungsort der Konferenz. Der Abend lädt zum Netzwerken und Gesprächen im kleinen Kreis ein.

Die Villa Ida ist mit der Straßenbahnlinie 4, Haltestelle Stallbaumstraße oder Menckestraße und über die Linie 12, Haltestelle Fritz-Seger-Straße erreichbar. Zur Villa sind es dann noch 5 Minuten Fußweg. Fahrpreis mit ÖPNV: 2,40 Euro oder per Taxi ca. 15 Euro vom Stadtzentrum. 


On the eve of our conference you are all welcome to join us as the guests of the Media Foundation Sparkasse Leipzig in the historic Villa Ida. The villa is on Menckestrasse, a short walk from the Media School Campus, which is the main conference venue. At this informal reception, drinks and buffet-style food will be served, and there are plenty of opportunities for networking and bi-lateral meetings.

To reach the Villa Ida from Leipzig city centre you should take a tram number 4 and alight at Stallbaumstrasse, or the number 12 tram to Fritz Seger Strasse. Each tram stop is just five minutes walk from the Villa Ida. The fare from the city centre is 2.40 euros and you will need to pay with coins. Alternatively you can take a taxi and expect to pay 15-20 euros.

avatar for Lutz Mükke

Lutz Mükke

Project Co-ordinator, European Centre for Press and Media Freedom
Dr Lutz Mükke is the Project Co-ordinator of the ECPMF and author of 'Korrespondenten im Kalten Krieg' (Correspondents in the Cold War) an investigation of the relationships between journalists and security services during the post-World War II period in Europe. Dr Mükke is the... Read More →
avatar for Stephan Seeger

Stephan Seeger

Director, Foundations of Sparkasse Leipzig
Stephan Seeger, born 1959, became director of the Foundations of Sparkasse Leipzig in 2001. In this role, he serves as executive board member of Media Foundation and Kultur- und Umweltstiftung Leipziger Land, chairman of the board of Sparkassenstiftung für die Region Torgau-Oschatz... Read More →

Wednesday October 7, 2015 19:00 - 22:00 CEST
Villa Ida 27 Menckestrasse (next to Media Campus)
Thursday, October 8

09:00 CEST

Eröffnungsveranstaltung/ opening session

Die erste Konferenz des Europäischen Zentrums für Presse- & Medienfreiheit möchte, frei nach den Worten eines ihrer Gründungsmitglieder Hans-Ulrich Jörges, „eine große Glocke für die Pressefreiheit läuten“. Thema der Auftaktveranstaltung ist der Status quo der Pressefreiheit in Europa und ein Ausblick auf die Herausforderungen der nächsten Jahre.

Die Veranstaltung wird geleitet von Henrik Kaufholz, ECPMF-Vorstand, Mitgründer der Dänischen Vereinigung für investigativen Journalismus und Redakteur der Tageszeitung Politiken. Kaufholz war als Korrespondent unter anderem in Moskau, Bonn, Berlin und in den Balkanländern tätig. 


This is the ECPMF's inaugural conference, and the opening session aims, in the words of one of the founder members Hans-Ulrich Joerges, to "ring a big bell" for media freedom.

Board members and representatives of international organisation will welcome the participants to the conference and take stock of the state of press and media freedom in Europe in 2015.

In the chair is Henrik Kaufholz, the chair of the ECPMF Executive Board. His journalism career started in 1967, and he is a reporter at the Danish daily Politiken. Co-founder of the Danish Association for InvestigativeJournalism (FUJ), he is FUJ's representative at Scoop for Armenia, Ukraine,Moldova, Belarus and Russia. He has been a correspondent in Moscow, Bonn and Berlin, and he covered the war in the Balkans from 1991 to 1995.

avatar for Henrik Kaufholz

Henrik Kaufholz

Manager, Scoop
Henrik Kaufholz, who chairs the ECPMF, is a Danish journalist working for Politiken in Copenhagen. He is also manager of Scoop, which since 2003 has supported investigative reporting in the Balkans and Eastern Europe and which organized the Global Investigative Journalism Conference... Read More →

avatar for Galina Arapova

Galina Arapova

Director, Mass Media Defence Centre
Galina Arapova is director and senior media lawyer of the NGO Mass Media Defence Centre, working in the field of media rights protection and the promotion of freedom of expression standards in Russia. She has a law degree, and undertook post graduate studies at the Institute of the... Read More →
avatar for Hans-Ulrich Jörges

Hans-Ulrich Jörges

Co-editor of Stern, Editor-in-chief of Special Affairs, Gruner+Jahr
Hans-Ulrich Jörges is one of the initiators of the European Charter on Freedom of the Press, which was formulated in 2009 by 48 editors-in-chief and leading journalists from all over the continent. The goal of the initiative was to assert the charter's validity across Europe and... Read More →
avatar for Dr. Harald Langenfeld

Dr. Harald Langenfeld

Chair, Media Foundation Sparkasse Leipzig
Dr. Harald Langenfeld ist seit 2007 Vorstandsvorsitzender der Sparkasse Leipzig, die mit einer Bilanzsumme von rd. 8,8 Milliarden Euro zu den 25 größten Sparkassen in Deutschland zählt. Als Vorstandsvorsitzender der Medienstiftung der Sparkasse Leipzig engagiert er sich seit Jahren... Read More →
avatar for Lutz Mükke

Lutz Mükke

Project Co-ordinator, European Centre for Press and Media Freedom
Dr Lutz Mükke is the Project Co-ordinator of the ECPMF and author of 'Korrespondenten im Kalten Krieg' (Correspondents in the Cold War) an investigation of the relationships between journalists and security services during the post-World War II period in Europe. Dr Mükke is the... Read More →

Thursday October 8, 2015 09:00 - 09:30 CEST
Schiller Hall, Mediacampus Villa Ida Poetenweg 28, Leipzig

09:30 CEST

Das Europäischen Zentrum für Presse- & Medienfreiheit stellt sich vor/ Introducing ECPMF 2015

Am 24. Juni 2015 gründeten Vertreter von 25 Journalistenorganisationen, Medienunternehmen und -gewerkschaften sowie Medienwissenschaftler und -anwälte aus 16 europäischen Ländern das ECPMF (European Centre for Press and Media Freedom) in Leipzig. 

Ziel ist es, die vielen verschiedenen Medienfreiheitsinitiativen in Europa zu einen und gemeinsam aktiv zu werden. In seiner Dimension und Struktur ist das ECPMF weltweit einmalig. Die Veranstaltung stellt die vielfältige Arbeit und die wichtigstens Akteure des Zentrums vor. 


Representatives of 25 journalists associations, publishing houses, academic institutions, trade unions and media rights experts from 16 European countries have founded the European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF) in Leipzig on June 24th 2015 as an independent non-profit European Co-operative Society (SCE).

The co-operative’s mission is to unite Europe’s highly fragmented media freedom community and to address media freedom violations in EU member states and beyond. The ECPMF works as a registration office, and as contact point for organizations and individuals. The panel gives insight into its objectives, activities and organisational work.

avatar for Henrik Kaufholz

Henrik Kaufholz

Manager, Scoop
Henrik Kaufholz, who chairs the ECPMF, is a Danish journalist working for Politiken in Copenhagen. He is also manager of Scoop, which since 2003 has supported investigative reporting in the Balkans and Eastern Europe and which organized the Global Investigative Journalism Conference... Read More →

avatar for Ides Debruyne

Ides Debruyne

Managing director/co-founder, Journalismfund Europe
Ides Debruyne is the co-founder and managing director of Journalismfund Europe (Brussels) and co-founder of the Dutch-Flemish Association of Investigative Journalists (VVOJ). He is also the founder and chair of "SciMingo" (promotes science communication in the Flemish region) and... Read More →
avatar for Peter Matzneller

Peter Matzneller

General Manager, Institute of European Media Law (EMR)
Peter Matzneller graduated in law at the Leopold-Franzens University in Innsbruck, Austria, in 2007. After completing his practical education at the Higher Regional Court of Innsbruck (Oberlandesgericht Innsbruck) and the Regional Government of Tyrol (Tiroler Landesregierung), in... Read More →
avatar for Lutz Mükke

Lutz Mükke

Project Co-ordinator, European Centre for Press and Media Freedom
Dr Lutz Mükke is the Project Co-ordinator of the ECPMF and author of 'Korrespondenten im Kalten Krieg' (Correspondents in the Cold War) an investigation of the relationships between journalists and security services during the post-World War II period in Europe. Dr Mükke is the... Read More →
avatar for Chiara Sighele

Chiara Sighele

Senior Project Officer, Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso
Senior project officer at Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso (OBC). Chiara Sighele has been at Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso since 2007. Since May 2015 she has been coordinating OBC's activities within the ECPMF project. MA in European Project Development promoted by the Europelago Foundation... Read More →
avatar for Alberto Spampinato

Alberto Spampinato

Alberto Spampinato is an Italian journalist and an expert media expert advisor for the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe and the Italian Parliamentary Anti-Mafia Commission on the protection of threatened journalists. His elder brother, Giovanni, an investigative... Read More →
avatar for Oliver Vujovic

Oliver Vujovic

Secretary General, South East Europe Media Organisation
Since 2000 Oliver Vujovic has been the Secretary General of the South East Europe Media Organisation, an  International Press Institute affiliate. He is the Editor of the SEEMO Media Handbook and publisher of De Scripto magazine, and has worked as a foreign correspondent  for Austrian... Read More →

Thursday October 8, 2015 09:30 - 11:00 CEST
Schiller Hall, Mediacampus Villa Ida Poetenweg 28, Leipzig

11:00 CEST

Kaffeepause - coffee/tea break
Thursday October 8, 2015 11:00 - 11:30 CEST
Glass Foyer

11:30 CEST

Flüchtlinge medial - eine einzige Krise? / Reporting refugees - media in crisis? + Press briefing
Flüchtlinge sind seit Monaten das Gesprächsthema Nummer 1 in den deutschen Medien. Welches Bild haben Journalisten gezeichnet, welche Verantwortung tragen sie? Aber auch: wie sieht ihre Arbeit ganz praktisch an den Grenzen Europas aus?  Auf der einen Seite werden Journalisten massiv behindert, geschlagen, inhaftiert. Auf der anderen Seite übernehmen einige Kollegen scheinbar diskussionslos die Propaganda der Regierungen. Journalisten aus Ungarn, Serbien und England diskutieren dieses und weitere Themen mit dem geflohenen syrischen Journalisten Tarek Khello. 

Moderation: Ljiljana Smailovic

Diese Veranstaltung ist öffentlich. Es besteht im Anschluss an das Panel die Möglichkeit für Interviews und Hintergrundgespräche mit den Rednern. 

The Panel is a public panel. Other journalists are invited to the panel and would have the chance to conduct interviews with the speakers and participants. 

Refugees have been the number one headline in Europe's media for months. What role have journalists played and what picture have they portrayed? On the one hand they got beaten, arrested and their reseach materials got confiscated. On the other hand it seems that journalists follow government agendas and propaganda too often. Journalists from Hungary, Germany, Serbia, United Kingdom discuss together with a refugee journalist from Syria. Moderator: Hans-Ulrich Jörges

avatar for Hans-Ulrich Jörges

Hans-Ulrich Jörges

Co-editor of Stern, Editor-in-chief of Special Affairs, Gruner+Jahr
Hans-Ulrich Jörges is one of the initiators of the European Charter on Freedom of the Press, which was formulated in 2009 by 48 editors-in-chief and leading journalists from all over the continent. The goal of the initiative was to assert the charter's validity across Europe and... Read More →

avatar for Jon Danzig

Jon Danzig

Investigative journalist and blogger, Freelance
Jon Danzig is a campaigning journalist and film-maker, who regularly challenges the British tabloid press, exposing lies and distortions in its coverage of migrants and refugees. He has many years experience in the world of writing, broadcasting, magazine editing, photography and... Read More →
avatar for Tarek Khello

Tarek Khello

Refugee former journalist, Freelance
English translation follows - please scroll down Tarek Khello ist syrischer Journalist und arbeitete bis 2012 als Reporter bei verschiedenen Lokalmedien in Aleppo. Auf Grund seiner journalistischen Tätigkeit erlitt er wiederholt Repressionen von Seiten der Behörden, so wurde er... Read More →
avatar for Balász Nagy Navarro

Balász Nagy Navarro

Chair, Supervisory Board
Since the very start of Balazs Nagy Navarro’s career, his voice has been silenced by many stakeholders, but never successfully. Thus, Nagy Navarro was engaged into many protests, media freedom campaigns, etc. In 2006 he was working as International Coordinator of South East European... Read More →
avatar for Ljiljana Smajlović

Ljiljana Smajlović

President, Journalists’ Association of Serbia
Ljiljana Smajlovic is editor-in-chief of the Serbian daily newspaper Politika in Belgrade, one of the oldest newspapers in the Balkans. She is the first woman in the century-long history of this newspaper to hold that job. For her work she was honoured with the Dimitrije Davidovic... Read More →

Thursday October 8, 2015 11:30 - 13:00 CEST
Schiller Hall, Mediacampus Villa Ida Poetenweg 28, Leipzig

11:30 CEST

Wie das europäische Medienrecht vorangebracht werden kann/ Improving Europe's media laws

Verleumdung, Drohungen gegen Journalisten, Überwachung, Quellenschutz, die Unabhängigkeit der Medien, Eigentumsverhältnisse, Selbstkontrolle, Pluralismus – es gibt viele wichtige Aspekte des Europäischen Medienrechts. Welche sind die drängendsten Fragen?


Defamation, threats of journalists, survelliance, protection of sources, media independence, ownership, self-regulation, pluralism - there are plenty of important aspects related to European media law. What are the most pressing topics?

avatar for Melody Patry

Melody Patry

Senior Advocacy Officer, Index on Censorship
Melody Patry is Senior Advocacy Officer at free speech organisation Index on Censorship. She leads on policy research, campaigns and international projects with particular focus on online censorship and threats to media freedom. She also oversees the Mapping Media Freedom programme... Read More →

avatar for Galina Arapova

Galina Arapova

Director, Mass Media Defence Centre
Galina Arapova is director and senior media lawyer of the NGO Mass Media Defence Centre, working in the field of media rights protection and the promotion of freedom of expression standards in Russia. She has a law degree, and undertook post graduate studies at the Institute of the... Read More →
avatar for Peter Matzneller

Peter Matzneller

General Manager, Institute of European Media Law (EMR)
Peter Matzneller graduated in law at the Leopold-Franzens University in Innsbruck, Austria, in 2007. After completing his practical education at the Higher Regional Court of Innsbruck (Oberlandesgericht Innsbruck) and the Regional Government of Tyrol (Tiroler Landesregierung), in... Read More →
avatar for Tumas Misakyan

Tumas Misakyan

Member of Moscow Bar Association. Practicing criminal law since 2000. Has a wide experience providing defence in court of law on all stages of domestic litigation as well as before the European Сourt of Human Rights (CASE OF VASILYEV v. RUSSIA (№ 28370/05), CASE OF YEMELIN v. RUSSIA... Read More →
avatar for Alinda Vermeer

Alinda Vermeer

Legal officer, Media Legal Defense Initiative
Alinda Vermeer joined MLDI in May 2014 as a Legal Officer. Prior to joining MLDI, Alinda worked at Privacy International, where she was responsible for developing and implementing the organisation’s litigation strategy on the international trade in surveillance technologies. She... Read More →
avatar for Dirk Voorhoof

Dirk Voorhoof

Legal Human Academy
Dirk Voorhoof is co-founder and member of Legal Human Academy. He holds Master Degrees in Law and in Communication Sciences, and a PhD in Media Law. He reports on developments regarding freedom of expression, media and journalism in Europe, including in Iris, legal newsletter of the European Audiovisual Observatory. He is a member of the Human... Read More →

Thursday October 8, 2015 11:30 - 13:00 CEST
Everth Room 1st floor

13:00 CEST

Pressekonferenz zur Verleihung des "Preises für die Freiheit und Zukunft der Medien" / Press conference Prize for the Freedom and Future of the Media

Zum Hintergrund des Preises: Die Friedliche Revolution in der ehemaligen DDR begann 1989 in Leipzig. Die Menschen versammelten sich, beteten in der Nikolaikirche und demonstrierten anschließend zu zehntausenden auf den Straßen. Die mutigen Bürger dieser Stadt trotzten der Staatsmacht und forderten nicht zuletzt die Freiheit der Meinung und der Presse. Wie die Medienstiftung der Sparkasse Leipzig mit all ihren Förderaktivitäten, steht auch der von ihr 2001 erstmals ausgelobte “Preis für die Freiheit und Zukunft der Medien” in der Tradition der Friedlichen Revolution.

Der Leipziger Medienpreis gilt ausdrücklich nicht dem journalistischen Bravourstück oder einem einzelnen exzellenten Beitrag. Geehrt werden vielmehr Journalisten, Verleger, Publizisten und Institutionen in aller Welt, die sich mit Risikobereitschaft, hohem persönlichem Engagement, mit Beharrlichkeit, Mut und demokratischer Überzeugung für die Sicherung und Entwicklung der Pressefreiheit einsetzen. Die Liste der Preisträger der vergangenen Jahre verdeutlicht diesen Anspruch.

Zum Machtinstrumentarium der Herrschenden gehören in vielen Ländern der Erde unlautere Mediengesetze, Druck auf Journalisten und Verleger, Bevormundung von Funk und Fernsehen und staatliche Zensur. Daneben gefährden ökonomische Konzentrationsprozesse und Selbst-Zensur die Meinungsvielfalt und stehen einer unabhängigen Berichterstattung entgegen. Journalisten selbst beugen sich dem Diktat der Quote und setzen durch schnelle Veröffentlichungen ihre Glaubwürdigkeit aufs Spiel.

Die bisherigen Laureaten widerstanden diesen Bedrohungen und Versuchungen.

Es ist das Anliegen der Leipziger Medienstiftung, ihnen und allen anderen Mut zu machen.

The Sparkasse Leipzig Media Foundation has awarded Turkish journalist Nedim Şener and Iranian director Jafar Panahi with the Prize for the Freedom and Future of the Media 2015.

Background to the Prize: The Peaceful Revolution in the former GDR began in 1989 in Leipzig. People gathered together to pray at St. Nicholas Church, then protested in the streets by tens of thousands. The courageous citizens of this city effectively defied state authority, demanding – not least of all – freedom of expression and the press. Much like the Media Foundation of Sparkasse Leipzig with all of its sponsorship activities, the “Prize for the Freedom and Future of the Media”, first awarded in 2001, stands in the tradition of the Peaceful Revolution.

The Leipzig Media Prize is expressly not about a bold and daring feat of journalism or an exceptional piece of journalistic work. The prize is intended for distinguished journalists, publishers and media institutions from around the world that are committed to the cause of protecting and expanding freedom of the press, and in doing so display a willingness to take risks, great personal commitment, persistence, courage and a firm belief in democracy. The list of prizewinners from the last years clearly demonstrates what the prize is about.
Ruling elites in many countries around the world use dubious media laws, pressure on journalists and publishers, paternalism in radio and television, and state censorship as instruments of power. But also processes of economic concentration and self-censorship endanger the plurality of expression and are an obstacle to independent reporting. Journalists themselves bow to the dictates of shareholders and compromise their credibility by publishing too quickly.

The previous prizewinners resisted these threats and temptations.

It is the aim of the Leipzig Media Foundation to embolden the spirits of these and of others.

avatar for Stephan Seeger

Stephan Seeger

Director, Foundations of Sparkasse Leipzig
Stephan Seeger, born 1959, became director of the Foundations of Sparkasse Leipzig in 2001. In this role, he serves as executive board member of Media Foundation and Kultur- und Umweltstiftung Leipziger Land, chairman of the board of Sparkassenstiftung für die Region Torgau-Oschatz... Read More →

Thursday October 8, 2015 13:00 - 13:45 CEST
Everth Room 1st floor

13:00 CEST

Lunch break and networking
Thursday October 8, 2015 13:00 - 14:30 CEST
Glass Foyer

14:30 CEST

Whistleblowing in Europa – riskante Unterfangen/ Whistleblowing in Europe - still a risky undertaking

Whistleblowing gilt als wichtiges Mittel, um öffentliche und private Institutionen an den Grundsatz der Rechtschaffenheit zu erinnern und für ihr Handeln haftbar zu machen. Für Journalisten ist es eine unverzichtbare Quelle. Der Europarat und einige nationalstaatliche Regierungen haben eine Reihe von rechtlichen Instrumenten entwickelt und gefördert, um das Whistleblowing zu schützen und zu stärken. Wie die jüngsten Fälle um Antoine Deltour (LexLeaks), Hervé Falciani (HSBCLeaks) und Maria Bamieh (EULEXLEaks) zeigen, bestehen jedoch Mängel bei der Umsetzung dieser Rechtsvorschriften. Schlimmer noch, die meisten Whistleblower werden verklagt und strafrechtlich verfolgt, was wiederum Andere davon abhält, mit ihren Daten an die Öffentlichkeit zu gehen.

Whistleblowing is recognised as an important tool to keep public and private institutions accountable, and a vital source for journalists. A set of legal instruments on protection and encouragement of whistleblowing has been drafted and promoted by the Council of Europe and some national governments. But the latest cases of Antoine Deltour (LexLeaks), Hervé Falciani (HSBCLeaks), Maria Bamieh (EULEXLEaks) prove that the implementation of legislation is lacking. What is worse, most whistleblowers are sued and prosecuted, and this discourages individuals from coming forward with public disclosures. 

avatar for Flutura Kusari

Flutura Kusari

Legal Advisor, European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF)
Flutura is a media lawyer and is responsible for the ECPMF’s legal support. She has worked for various civil society organisations in Kosovo that focus on human rights, freedom of expression and the rule of law. For several years Flutura worked on complex investigative articles... Read More →

avatar for Shkumbin Ahmetxhekaj

Shkumbin Ahmetxhekaj

Editor of current affairs, Radio Television of Kosovo
Shkumbin Ahmetxhekaj is an editor of current affairs at Radio Television of Kosovo (RTK). He studied Political Science at the University of Prishtina and continued his Master degree studies on Global and Comparative Politics at Queen Mary University of London. Since 2003 he has been... Read More →
avatar for Amalie Bang

Amalie Bang

Human Rights Activist
Amalie Bang holds an LL.M. from Copenhagen University and a master's degree from the European Inter-University Centre for Human Rights and Democratisation. She is the producer of a documentary movie about children's rights, and has worked at the Danish Institute for Human Rights... Read More →

Günter Steinke

Member of the Committee, Whistleblower Netzwerk e.V.
I had worked for about 30 years as architect. When I had finished studying for ten years in a construction company, mainly in Germany, but I had been sent also 9 month to Iraq and three years and three month to Nigeria.After a change to a buerau for controlling for one year I had... Read More →
avatar for Dirk Voorhoof

Dirk Voorhoof

Legal Human Academy
Dirk Voorhoof is co-founder and member of Legal Human Academy. He holds Master Degrees in Law and in Communication Sciences, and a PhD in Media Law. He reports on developments regarding freedom of expression, media and journalism in Europe, including in Iris, legal newsletter of the European Audiovisual Observatory. He is a member of the Human... Read More →

Thursday October 8, 2015 14:30 - 16:00 CEST
Schiller Hall, Mediacampus Villa Ida Poetenweg 28, Leipzig

14:31 CEST

„Sachsensumpf“: Spuren einer juristische Auseinandersetzung?/ The Saxon Swamp - corruption, cover-up and courage
„Sachsenumpf' steht für eine komplexe Affäre in den 1990er Jahren, in die hochrangige Politiker, Manager und Juristen involviert sein sollen - in Korruption, Immobiliengeschäfte und Kinderprostitution.  und die Korruption in Sachsen in den ersten Jahren nach der Wiedervereinigung von Deutschland.Thomas Datt und Arndt Ginzel, zwei freie Journalisten aus Leipzig, recherchierten lange und hartnäckig zum Thema Sachsensumpf, unter anderem für das Nachrichtenmagazin Der Spiegel. Beide wurden schließlich wegen Verleumdung angeklagt. Das Gerichtsverfahren lief über Jahre. 2013 endete es mit einem Freispruch. – Doch wie gehen Journalisten mit diesem jahrelang anhaltenden Druck um? Welche Spuren hinterlassen langwierige juristische Auseinandersetzungen – persönlich, beruflich, finanziell und psychologisch? 


'Saxon swamp' – Germany’s Wild East : What scars does a long legal battle leave behind?
'Saxon swamp' is the nickname for a complex affair about the alleged involvement of high-ranking politicians, business people and the judiciary in real estate transactions, child prostitution, and corruption in Saxony in the early years after the reunification of Germany in the 1990s. Thomas Datt and Arndt Ginzel, two freelance journalists from Leipzig, dug deep and researched the topic for years, working for the news magazine Der Spiegel. Both were charged with libel and defamation. They were accused of defamatory allegations against Saxon lawyers. The court case went on for years. Finally in 2013 the 'Saxon swamp' trial against Datt and Ginzel ended with the journalists being acquitted. But how did they cope with the pressure of this process, which went on for years? What does a long legal battle mean for journalists - personally, professionally, financially and psychologically? 

avatar for Lutz Mükke

Lutz Mükke

Project Co-ordinator, European Centre for Press and Media Freedom
Dr Lutz Mükke is the Project Co-ordinator of the ECPMF and author of 'Korrespondenten im Kalten Krieg' (Correspondents in the Cold War) an investigation of the relationships between journalists and security services during the post-World War II period in Europe. Dr Mükke is the... Read More →

avatar for Thomas Datt

Thomas Datt

Investigative journalist, Freelance
Thomas Datt and Arndt Ginzel, two freelance journalists from Leipzig, investigated corruption and child abuse in Saxony,  researching the topic for years, working for the news magazine Der Spiegel. Both were charged with libel and defamation. They were accused of defamatory allegations... Read More →

Arndt Ginzel

Investigative journalist, Freelance
Thomas Datt and Arndt Ginzel, two freelance journalists from Leipzig, investigated corruption and child abuse in Saxony, researching the topic for years, working for the news magazine Der Spiegel. Both were charged with libel and defamation. They were accused of defamatory allegations... Read More →

Thursday October 8, 2015 14:31 - 15:46 CEST
Everth Room 1st floor

16:00 CEST

ECPMF executive board meeting (internal) - nicht öffentlich
Thursday October 8, 2015 16:00 - 18:00 CEST
Villa Ida 27 Menckestrasse (next to Media Campus)

16:00 CEST

"Die Geschichte hinter der Geschichte" - Dokumentationen zur Pressefreiheit/ Press freedom documentaries: the stories behind the stories

Die Förderung des Dokumentarfilms hat in Leipzig eine lange Tradition, auch dank der großzügigen Unterstützung der Medienstiftung der Sparkasse Leipzig. Wir freuen uns daher, Vertreter des jährlich stattfindenden Dok Leipzig Festivals auf der Konferenz begrüßen zu  dürfen. Sie werden einen exklusiven Ausblick auf das diesjährige  Programm des Festivals (6.Okt. bis 1.Nov.) geben und kleine "Schätze" aus ihrem Archiv zum Thema Meinungsfreiheit zeigen.

Filmemacher wie Tom Heinemann sehen sich bei ihren Recherchen des Öfteren mit Bedrohungen und Schwierigkeiten konfrontiert. Heinemann ist Produzent einer bereits ausgezeichneten Serie über Medienfreiheit für das dänische Fernsehen.  


Leipzig has a proud history of supporting documentary film, thanks to the generosity of the Media Foundation of the Leipzig Sparkasse, and we are pleased to welcome two representatives of the annual Dok Leipzig Festival to present an exclusive preview of this year's event which starts on 26th October, together with footage on freedom of expression themes.

Film-makers like Tom Heinemann and Sanna Bogner often face threats and difficulties while digging out a story. Heinemann's series about media freedom for Danish TV has already won an award.. Rich Peppiatt was a tabloid journalist with the Daily Express who quit his job because he was asked to write racist and islamophobic stories, and distort facts. His documentary shows how he took revenge on the abusive editors by using shock tactics. 

avatar for Jane Whyatt

Jane Whyatt

Project Manager, European Centre for Press and Media Freedom
Jane Whyatt is the project manager at the European Centre for Press and Media Freedom and co-ordinates the activities of the six EU consortium partners in the 2015-16 ECPMF project Ossigeno per l'informazione, EMR, SEEMO, OBC and Journalismfund). She curates content for the ECPMF... Read More →

avatar for Tom Heinemann

Tom Heinemann

Tom Heinemann's documentary series on media freedom issues ' A heart that never dies' was made for Danish television and has won a prize at the Venice Film Festival.  Tom Heinemann has been working as an independent investigative journalist for more than 19 years. Twice awarded... Read More →
avatar for Grit Lemke

Grit Lemke

Head of Film Programme DOK Leipzig, author/curator, Dok Leipzig
Leiterin Filmprogramm DOK Leipzig, Autorin/Kuratorin English translation follows - please scroll down...Geboren 1965 in Spremberg/Niederlausitz. Baufacharbeiterlehre und Arbeit im Theater- und Kulturbereich. Studium der Kulturwissenschaft, Ethnologie und Literatur in Leipzig, Promotion... Read More →
avatar for Annegret Richter

Annegret Richter

Head of Animation Films, DOK Leipzig International Documentary Festival
 Deutsche Übersetzung folgt... Annegret Richter has organised the animation section of the Leipzig International Festival for Documentary and Animation since 2010. Before that she worked as the director of the Dresden International Short Film Festival and was employed at the University... Read More →

Thursday October 8, 2015 16:00 - 18:00 CEST
Everth Room 1st floor

18:00 CEST

Verleihung des Preises für die Freiheit und Zukunft der Medien/ Award ceremony: Prize for the Freedom and Future of the Media awarded by Sparkasse Media Foundation
Feierliche Verleihung des Preises für die Freiheit und Zukunft der Medien der Medienstiftung der Sparkasse Leipzig an Jafar Panahi und Nedim Sener.

Alle Konferenzteilnehmer sind herzlich zur Verleihung eingeladen.

Award ceremony of the Prize for the Freedom and Future of the Media awarded by Sparkasse Media Foundation to Jafar Panahi and Nedim Sener. 

All conference participants are cordially invited.  

Thursday October 8, 2015 18:00 - 21:00 CEST
Schiller Hall, Mediacampus Villa Ida Poetenweg 28, Leipzig

21:00 CEST

Ende Tag 1/ End of day 1
Thursday October 8, 2015 21:00 - 21:15 CEST
Friday, October 9

10:00 CEST

Unter Beobachtung – die überwachten Medienmacher/ Under control - media professionals under surveillance

English translation follows - please scroll down...

Die NSA spionierte die Redaktion des Spiegels aus, der britische  
Nachrichtendienst GCHQ drängte die Zeitschrift The Guardian,  
Festplatten zu vernichten und für den mazedonischen Geheimdienst  
gehört die massenhafte Überwachung von Journalisten zum Tagesgeschäft.  
In vielen europäischen Ländern werden Computer, Telefone und E-Mails  
von Journalisten gehackt, Geheimdienste betreiben  
Vorratsdatenspeicherung in großen Stil und observieren Journalisten.
Im digitalen Zeitalter sind vertrauliche journalistische Recherche und  
Informantenschutz (Quellenschutz) fast unmöglich geworden.

In diesem Panel werden Bjoern Rupp, Crypto-Experte, die investigativen 
Journalisten Gavin McFadyen, Albrecht Ude und Dr. Lutz Mükke,  
Journalist und Wissenschaftler, Autor des Buches  
'Korrespondenten im Kalten Krieg' diskutieren. Was können wir gegen die Überwachung von Journalisten tun? Wie können wir unsere Quellen und Daten schützen?  


The NSA spied on the editorial desk of Der Spiegel; GCHQ forced The  
Guardian to destroy hard drives and for the Macedonian Secret Service  
mass surveillance of journalists is daily business. In many European  
countries journalists' computers, phones and e-mails get hacked, and  
secret services promote big data retention. Confidential journalistic  
investigations and source protection become almost impossible in the  
digital age. Our panel includes encryption expert Bjoern Rupp,  
investigative journalist Gavin McFadyen and Albrecht Ude and Dr Lutz  
Mükke, investigative journalist and academic, the author of  
'Correspondents in the Cold War'. The panel explores ways to protect  
media freedom. What can we do about surveillance of journalists  
and protection of sources and data?

avatar for Vesselin Dimitrov

Vesselin Dimitrov

Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Forbes Bulgaria
Vesselin Dimitrov has been working for Forbes Bulgaria as DeputyEditor-in-Chief since 2011. He defines its editorial policy, writes for themagazine and heads Forbes internship programme. At the same time he is acorrespondent for Der Spiegel, Germany. Mr. Dimitrov has also worked forBulgarian... Read More →

avatar for Gavin McFadyen

Gavin McFadyen

Director, Centre for Investigative Journalism, Gavin McFadyen
 As a senior director Gavin MacFadyen has worked on over 50 investigative television programmes, for PBS's Frontline, Granada Television’s World in Action, the BBC’s Fine Cut, Panorama, The Money Programme and 24 Hours, and Channel 4’s Dispatches. MacFadyen has investigated... Read More →
avatar for Lutz Mükke

Lutz Mükke

Project Co-ordinator, European Centre for Press and Media Freedom
Dr Lutz Mükke is the Project Co-ordinator of the ECPMF and author of 'Korrespondenten im Kalten Krieg' (Correspondents in the Cold War) an investigation of the relationships between journalists and security services during the post-World War II period in Europe. Dr Mükke is the... Read More →
avatar for Bjorn Rupp

Bjorn Rupp

Chief Executive Officer, GSMK
Dr. Bjoern Rupp is the Chief Executive Officer of GSMK, a specialist for mobile voice and message encryption and mobile device and network security. GSMK develops and produces secure mobile, satellite and fixed-line telephones as well as network security solutions for private enterprises... Read More →
avatar for Albrecht Ude

Albrecht Ude

Journalist specialising in security, Freelance
 Albrecht Ude is a freelance journalist, researcher and research trainer based in Berlin. He is an associated member of the board of Netzwerk Recherche

Friday October 9, 2015 10:00 - 11:00 CEST
Everth Room 1st floor

10:30 CEST

Pressefreiheit in EU-Anwärterstaaten/ Press freedom in the EU accession countries

Pressefreiheit ist für die EU-Beitrittskandidaten ein heikles Thema. In der Türkei sind dutzende Journalisten inhaftiert, der mazedonische Geheimdienst bespitzelt Medienschaffende und in Serbien werden kritische Journalisten zusammengeschlagen. Journalisten aus EU-Anwärterstaaten und hochrangige EU-Repräsentanten wie Elmar Brok und Andris Kesteris diskutieren über europäische Pressefreiheitsstandards. Sind diese nur Beiwerk bei den Beitritssverhandlungen? Wie agiert die EU? Was versprechen sich Journalisten in den Beitrittsländern? 

Press freedom in the countries seeking membership of the EU is a hot topic. Dozens of journalists are imprisoned and threatened in Turkey. In Macedonia the Secret Service spies on journalists and in Serbia critical journalists get beaten up. Journalists from candidate countries and our high-ranking EU politician Elmar Brok and the EU's Andris Kesteris put their heads together to discuss European press freedom standards. Are these just an afterthought in the accession negotiations? How is the EU responding? What are the aspirations of journalists in the candidate countries?

avatar for Ljiljana Smajlović

Ljiljana Smajlović

President, Journalists’ Association of Serbia
Ljiljana Smajlovic is editor-in-chief of the Serbian daily newspaper Politika in Belgrade, one of the oldest newspapers in the Balkans. She is the first woman in the century-long history of this newspaper to hold that job. For her work she was honoured with the Dimitrije Davidovic... Read More →

avatar for Elmar Brok

Elmar Brok

Chairman Foreign Affairs Committee, European Parliament
Elmar Brok has been a Member of the European Parliament since 1980. He chairs the Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committeee (AFET) and is a member of the Committee for Constitutional Affairs (AFCO), a member of the Conference of Committee Chairs (CPCO), a Member of the Delegation... Read More →
avatar for Andris Kesteris

Andris Kesteris

Principal Adviser, DG NEAR, European Commission
Andris Kesteris is Principal Adviser for Civil Society and Media related issues in Directorate General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations, European Commission. He joined the Latvian foreign service in December 1990 and subsequently was the Head of Latvian Delegation to... Read More →
avatar for Naser Selmani

Naser Selmani

President, Association of Journalists of Macedonia
Naser Selmani is a journalist working for the Skopje daily newspaper Vest. He is the President of the National Association of Journalists of Macedonia/Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. From 2006 to 2010 he was a member of the Council of Honour of the Association of Journalists... Read More →

Friday October 9, 2015 10:30 - 11:30 CEST
Schiller Hall, Mediacampus Villa Ida Poetenweg 28, Leipzig

11:30 CEST

Kaffeepause/ coffee - tea break
Friday October 9, 2015 11:30 - 11:50 CEST
Glass Foyer

11:50 CEST

Vertrauen Sie mir, ich bin Journalist/ Trust me, I am a journalist...

English follows..

Umfragen zeigen, dass das Vertrauen in die Massenmedien und den Journalismus auf dem europäischen Kontinent in den letzten Jahren massiv gesunken ist: Junge Iren haben einen noch zynischeren Blick auf die Medien als die Briten. Einer DIE ZEIT-Umfrage zufolge haben 60 Prozent der Deutschen wenig oder kein Vertrauen in die Massenmedien. Ukrainische und russische TV-Kanäle sind Teil einer mächtigen Kriegspropaganda, was unabhängigen Journalismus in diesen Regionen fast unmöglich macht. 

Das Panel diskutiert Erfahrungen aus mehreren europäischen Perspektiven und greift verschiedene Aspekte des Vertrauensverlustes in die Medien auf. Professoren Haller, Pleios und Granado präsentieren Ergebnisse ihrer Forschung zum Thema Medienkultur. Gemma O'Doherty, eine investigative Reporterin, die nach der Aufdeckung eines Korruptionskandals ihren Job verlor, spricht als Akteurin. 

Surveys show that in many European countries, trust in the mass media and journalism has eroded dramatically in recent years. Young Irish people take an even more cynical view of the media than the British. Sixty percent of Germans have little or no confidence in the mass media, according to a survey by DIE ZEIT newspaper. Ukrainian and Russian television channels have become part of powerful war propaganda machines, creating distrust everywhere. 

The panel discusses experiences from different European perspectives and searches for ways to address this complex situation. Professors Haller, Pleios and Granado draw on their research to present a clear picture, and Gemma O'Doherty, an investigative reporter who lost her job after exposing corruption, give the journalistic perspective.

avatar for Jane Whyatt

Jane Whyatt

Project Manager, European Centre for Press and Media Freedom
Jane Whyatt is the project manager at the European Centre for Press and Media Freedom and co-ordinates the activities of the six EU consortium partners in the 2015-16 ECPMF project Ossigeno per l'informazione, EMR, SEEMO, OBC and Journalismfund). She curates content for the ECPMF... Read More →

avatar for Antonio Granado

Antonio Granado

Professor of Journalism, Universidade Nova de Lisboa
António Granado, 52, is an assistant professor of Journalism at Universidade Nova de Lisboa. For the last 25 years, he has been working as a science journalist, mainly at Público, one of Portugal’s main daily quality newspapers, where he also was science editor, sub-editor-in-chief... Read More →
avatar for Michael Haller

Michael Haller

Head of Quality Assurance in Journalism, European Institute for Journalism and Communication
Michael Haller was Professor of Journalism Studies at the University of Leipzig. Following studies in philosophy, social and political sciences at Freiburg and Basel, he worked as editor at DER SPIEGEL and senior editor at DIE ZEIT. His research fields stretch from quality journalism... Read More →
avatar for Gemma O'Doherty

Gemma O'Doherty

Investigative journalist, Freelance
Gemma O'Doherty is an Irish investigative journalist who specialises in police corruption and reporting cases of murder that have been covered up by the state. She is a multi award-winning reporter who worked with the Irish Independent for almost 20 years, where she was Chief Features... Read More →
avatar for George Pleios

George Pleios

Professor in Sociology and Culture of Mass Media, National and Kapodistrian University
George Pleios, PhD in Sociology of Culture and Mass Media is Professor at the Department of Communication and Media Studies, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, currently Head of the Department. Since 2003 he is Director of the Laboratory for Social Research in Mass Media... Read More →

Friday October 9, 2015 11:50 - 13:00 CEST
Everth Room 1st floor

11:50 CEST

Europäische Journalisten unter Druck: Was tun? / Journalists under threat across Europe: how to fight back?

In Russland, Italien, Ungarn, der Türkei oder Weißrussland werden Journalisten schnell zur Zielscheibe für einflussreiche Politiker, Geschäftsleute, Geheimdienste oder das organisierte Verbrechen. Wie kann die internationale Pressefreiheits-Gemeinschaft mit diesen bedrohten und unterdrückten Kollegen besser zusammenarbeiten und internationale Solidarität zeigen? Welche Strukturen sind dafür notwendig?

In Russia, Italy, Hungary, Turkey, Belarus … Critical journalists and colleagues working in oppressive environments can quickly become targets of powerful politicians, business people, secret services or of organized crime. How can the press freedom community co-operate more closely and create stronger international solidarity? What kind of structures do we need for response? 

avatar for Kerstin Mey

Kerstin Mey

Professor, Dean of Media, Art and Design, University of Westminster
Kerstin Mey has held academic positions in universities in Germany and the UK before joining the University of Westminster, where she holds the positions of Pro Vice Chancellor and Dean of the Westminster School of Media, Arts and Design and Professor of Contemporary Art and Theory... Read More →

avatar for Gabriele Bertolli

Gabriele Bertolli

Team leader, media freedom and pluralism, European Commission
Gabriele coordinates the European Commission's team dealing with  media freedom and pluralism in the EU. Prior to joining the  Commission, he worked as consultant in EU affairs and as a freelance  journalist. He has a background in media & communication (University of Bologna... Read More →
avatar for Laura Garavini

Laura Garavini

Member of Parliament, Italy, Antimafia Commission
Laura Garavini describes herself as an Italian European. She is an Italian MP, representing the Partito Democratico. She is a leading member of the Parliament’s Anti-Mafia Commission, which exists to combat the influence of mafia and commorra gangs of organised crime. In 2015 around... Read More →
avatar for Esad Hećimović

Esad Hećimović

Editor, OBN TV
Esad Hećimović is a Bosnian investigative journalist. He is the editor of OBN TV based in Sarajevo. He won awards for his contribution to investigative journalism from SEEMO and the Central European Initiative in 2009. Hećimović was awarded as The Journalist of the Year in... Read More →
avatar for Helga Montag

Helga Montag

Founder and Board Member, Journalisten Helfen Journalisten
Dr. Helga Montag was one of the founders of the "Journalists help Journalists e. V." charity in 1993, and today she is still a Member of the Board of JhJ. She studied communications, political science and English literature, and promoted the initiatives to set up commercial radio... Read More →

Friday October 9, 2015 11:50 - 13:15 CEST
Schiller Hall, Mediacampus Villa Ida Poetenweg 28, Leipzig

13:15 CEST

Mittagspause/ lunch break and networking
Friday October 9, 2015 13:15 - 14:30 CEST
Glass Foyer

13:30 CEST

"Die Geschichte hinter der Geschichte" - Dokumentarfilme zur Pressefreiheit/ Press freedom documentaries: the stories behind the stories

Filmemacher sehen sich bei ihren Recherchen des Öfteren mit Bedrohungen und Schwierigkeiten konfrontiert.  Sanna Bogner wurde bei  Dreharbeiten zu einem Dokumentarfilm von den chinesischen Behörden am  Aufnehmen gehindert – doch sie filmte diesen staatlichen Eingriff in  ihre Arbeit und wird diese Aufnahmen vorstellen. 


Filmmakers  often face threats and difficulties while digging out a story.  Sanna Bogner was prevented from filming her documentary by the Chinese authorities - but she captured their interventions and shares her footage with us. The subject of press and media freedom has always been very sensitive. Watch the film and talk to the film-maker about her experience as a European investigative reporter in China.. 

avatar for Jane Whyatt

Jane Whyatt

Project Manager, European Centre for Press and Media Freedom
Jane Whyatt is the project manager at the European Centre for Press and Media Freedom and co-ordinates the activities of the six EU consortium partners in the 2015-16 ECPMF project Ossigeno per l'informazione, EMR, SEEMO, OBC and Journalismfund). She curates content for the ECPMF... Read More →

avatar for Sanna Bogner

Sanna Bogner

Film-maker, Maximus Film GmbH
Sanna Bogner is a film-maker with Maximus Film GmbH and was responsible for Galileo – Mission Wissen Weltweit and she makes documentary films and reportage.  Her freelance work has been shown on German networks (Pro7, Servus TV, ZDF, MDR, AudiTV, NIVEA). Sanna has travelled widely... Read More →

Friday October 9, 2015 13:30 - 14:00 CEST
Everth Room 1st floor

14:00 CEST

Wie erfolgreich Fördergelder für die Medienfreiheit einwerben?/ How to get funding for media freedom ?

Fördermittel zu erhalten, gestaltet sich angesichts der großen Konkurrenz an Antragstellern schwierig. Antragsprozedere bei internationalen Förderern wie die EU verlangen den Antragsstellern oft viel ab – viel Zeit, viele Mitarbeiter und Expertise. Sind kleinere Organisationen dabei im Nachteil? Denn kleine Organisationen, die sich für die Pressefreiheit einsetzen, und Journalisteninitiativen können es sich häufig nicht leisten, an den Ausschreibungen teilzunehmen. Handelt es sich also um strukturelle Benachteiligung oder eine notwendige Prozedur? Und wie können wir damit umgehen? Es gibt eine große Bandbreite an Förderern, die Projekte zur Stärkung der Pressefreiheit unterstützen. Auf dieser ECPMF-Konferenz bietet sich die einmalige Chance, Einblicke in die Welt der Förderorganisationen zu erhalten.


Competing for funds is difficult. Are small organisations disadvantaged? Calls for applications by international donors like the European Union often demand a lot, in terms of staff, time and expertise. Small press freedom organisations and journalism initiatives can often not afford to take part. Is this structural unfairness or necessary procedure? And what can we do about it?The variety of donors who support media freedom projects is large. The ECPMF conference offers a unique insight into the world of donor organisations.

avatar for Oliver Vujovic

Oliver Vujovic

Secretary General, South East Europe Media Organisation
Since 2000 Oliver Vujovic has been the Secretary General of the South East Europe Media Organisation, an  International Press Institute affiliate. He is the Editor of the SEEMO Media Handbook and publisher of De Scripto magazine, and has worked as a foreign correspondent  for Austrian... Read More →

avatar for Henrik Kaufholz

Henrik Kaufholz

Manager, Scoop
Henrik Kaufholz, who chairs the ECPMF, is a Danish journalist working for Politiken in Copenhagen. He is also manager of Scoop, which since 2003 has supported investigative reporting in the Balkans and Eastern Europe and which organized the Global Investigative Journalism Conference... Read More →
avatar for Besa Luci

Besa Luci

Chief Editor, Kosovo 2.0
Besa Luci is the chief editor of Kosovo 2.0, an independent media that engages society in insightful debate through its multimedia website, print magazine, and public events. Besa co-founded Kosovo 2.0 in 2010, and it has created a space for a different and necessary discussion full... Read More →
avatar for Gary Parker

Gary Parker

Consultant, CNT Associates
Gary is a UK based consultant with over 15 years experience in the public, private and voluntary sectors; with significant achievements in consultancy, training, fundraising and training. He has worked with many arts, creative industries and media groups.He regularly writes, trains... Read More →
avatar for Mircea Valentin Toma

Mircea Valentin Toma

President of Board, ActiveWatch
Mircea Toma is a social activist, teacher and journalist with a background in psychology. In 1994 he founded a media watch not-for-profit organisation, Media Monitoring Agency (now named ActiveWatch). Apart from the freedom-of-speech activities, AW develops media research, media literacy... Read More →

Friday October 9, 2015 14:00 - 15:00 CEST
Schiller Hall, Mediacampus Villa Ida Poetenweg 28, Leipzig

14:00 CEST

Fragt die Geheimdienste!/Ask the secret services!

English translation follows - please scroll down
Geheimdienste in der Kritik: Der BND kooperiert widerrechtlich mit der NSA, der Verfassungsschutz wird durch die NSU-Affäre und das illegale Observieren von Journalisten kompromittiert. Im letzten Jahr rief das netzwerk recherche Journalisten auf, die Geheimdienste zu nerven: Anfragen, welche Daten sie über die Person gespeichert haben. Was ist daraus geworden, wie sehen die Rückläufe aus, was muss jetzt gesehen. Und weiter: Welche Initativen gibt es noch, die sich gegen die wuchernde Überwachung richten?   

Secret services: The German BND co-operates illegally with the NSA, the constitutional protection of journalists is compromised by illegal 'snooping'. Last year Netzwerk Recherche, the German organisation of investigative journalists, called on its members to annoy the secret services: Colleagues, inquire what data the secret services have stored about you! – What has been the result so far? And what other initiatives are there, which are directed against rampant surveillance?

Albrecht Ude is a freelance journalist, researcher and research trainer based in Berlin. He is an associated member of the board of Netzwerk Recherche

avatar for Albrecht Ude

Albrecht Ude

Journalist specialising in security, Freelance
 Albrecht Ude is a freelance journalist, researcher and research trainer based in Berlin. He is an associated member of the board of Netzwerk Recherche


Friday October 9, 2015 14:00 - 15:00 CEST
Everth Room 1st floor

14:00 CEST

Supervisory board meeting (internal)
Friday October 9, 2015 14:00 - 16:00 CEST
Villa Ida 27 Menckestrasse (next to Media Campus)

15:00 CEST

Eine Datenbank zur Pressefreiheit in Europa/ A Media Freedom Resource Centre for Europe

Heute ist der „Soft Launch“ unseres Resource Centre – ein nachhaltiger Beitrag des ECPMF an Journalisten, Medienrechtlern und Wissenschaftlern. Zusammen mit dem Osservatorio Balcani e Caucasi (OBC) arbeitet das ECPMF an einer Online-Bibliothek, die Materialien zum Thema Pressefreiheit sammelt . Die Bibliothek namens „Media Freedom Resource Centre“ ist über die Website des ECPMF erreichbar. Das Resource Centre wird Materialien aller Art zu den Themen Presse- und Medienfreiheit sowie Meinungsfreiheit zusammentragen und Publikationen, Rechtsdokumente, Filme, Fernseh- und Radiomaterial sowie Zeitungsartikel umfassen. Die Dokumente werden in der Originalsprache zugänglich sein und zusätzlich mit englischen Abstracts versehen. Die offen zugängliche und ständig aktualisierte Bibliothek bietet einmalige Möglichkeiten der Recherche. 


Today is the 'soft launch' of our Resource Centre - a lasting legacy from the ECPMF to future generations of journalists, media lawyers and the academic community The European Centre for Press and Media Freedom, with partners Osservatorio Balcani e Caucasi (OBC), is building an online library to curate and preserve press freedom materials. It's called the Media Freedom Resource Centre, and can be accessed from the ECPMF website. The Resource Centre will collect materials such as books, legal documents, video, TV and radio programmes and newspaper articles on the theme of press and media freedom and freedom of expression. All will be saved in their original languages, with a short abstract in English. As an open, searchable library that is constantly updated, this Resource Centre provides a unique and valuable service. Come to the session to find out how to include your organisation's content in this exciting project...

avatar for Jane Whyatt

Jane Whyatt

Project Manager, European Centre for Press and Media Freedom
Jane Whyatt is the project manager at the European Centre for Press and Media Freedom and co-ordinates the activities of the six EU consortium partners in the 2015-16 ECPMF project Ossigeno per l'informazione, EMR, SEEMO, OBC and Journalismfund). She curates content for the ECPMF... Read More →

avatar for Marzia Bona

Marzia Bona

Lead researcher for the ECPMF Resource Centre, Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso
Marzia Bona of the Osservatorio  Balcani e Caucasi has an MA Degree in Interdisciplinary Studies on Eastern Europe and the Balkans from the University of Bologna. Between 2010 and 2013 she spent a research and working period in Bosnia and Herzegovina. She worked as an academic tutor... Read More →
avatar for Chiara Sighele

Chiara Sighele

Senior Project Officer, Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso
Senior project officer at Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso (OBC). Chiara Sighele has been at Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso since 2007. Since May 2015 she has been coordinating OBC's activities within the ECPMF project. MA in European Project Development promoted by the Europelago Foundation... Read More →

Friday October 9, 2015 15:00 - 15:30 CEST
Everth Room 1st floor

16:15 CEST

Goodbye! The final plenary session/ Auf Wiedersehen! Plenum
English translation follows..
Henrik Kaufholz und Kerstin Mey fassen die Europäische Konferenz für Presse- und Medienfreiheit 2015 zusammen. Balasz Nagy Navarro geht auf den Zwischenbericht der ECPMF-Fact-Finding-Mission ein und das unakzeptable Vorgehen der ungarischen Polizei gegen Journalisten an der ungarisch-serbischen Grenze. Und ECPMF Geschäftsführer Lutz Mükke wirft ein Blick auf kommende ECPMF-Aktivitäten.

At the Goodbye session Executive Board Chair Henrik Kaufholz and Board member Kerstin Mey sum up the European Press and Media Freedom Conference 2015. Balasz Nagy Navarro has a look again at the ECPMF's interim report of the fact-finding mission to Hungary's border, where media freedom was under heavy attack from police. And ECPMF Managing Director Lutz Mükke let you know about future prospects. 

avatar for Henrik Kaufholz

Henrik Kaufholz

Manager, Scoop
Henrik Kaufholz, who chairs the ECPMF, is a Danish journalist working for Politiken in Copenhagen. He is also manager of Scoop, which since 2003 has supported investigative reporting in the Balkans and Eastern Europe and which organized the Global Investigative Journalism Conference... Read More →
avatar for Kerstin Mey

Kerstin Mey

Professor, Dean of Media, Art and Design, University of Westminster
Kerstin Mey has held academic positions in universities in Germany and the UK before joining the University of Westminster, where she holds the positions of Pro Vice Chancellor and Dean of the Westminster School of Media, Arts and Design and Professor of Contemporary Art and Theory... Read More →
avatar for Lutz Mükke

Lutz Mükke

Project Co-ordinator, European Centre for Press and Media Freedom
Dr Lutz Mükke is the Project Co-ordinator of the ECPMF and author of 'Korrespondenten im Kalten Krieg' (Correspondents in the Cold War) an investigation of the relationships between journalists and security services during the post-World War II period in Europe. Dr Mükke is the... Read More →
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Balász Nagy Navarro

Chair, Supervisory Board
Since the very start of Balazs Nagy Navarro’s career, his voice has been silenced by many stakeholders, but never successfully. Thus, Nagy Navarro was engaged into many protests, media freedom campaigns, etc. In 2006 he was working as International Coordinator of South East European... Read More →

Friday October 9, 2015 16:15 - 16:45 CEST
Schiller Hall, Mediacampus Villa Ida Poetenweg 28, Leipzig

16:45 CEST

Ende Tag 2/ End of day 2

English follows..

Das ist das Ende des Europäischen Zentrums für die Presse und die erste Jahreskonferenz Medienfreiheit ist. Sie sind herzlich eingeladen zu den Feierlichkeiten an diesem Abend in der Innenstadt anlässlich des Jahrestages der Friedlichen Revolution 1989 , als Hunderttausende von Aktivisten für die Pressefreiheit und Menschenrechte auf die Straße gingen. Details der Leipziger Lichtfest finden Sie in Ihre Konferenzmappe .

That's the end of the European Centre for the press and the first annual conference media freedom is. You are cordially invited to the ceremony this evening in the city centre  to mark the anniversary of the Peaceful Revolution of 1989, when hundreds of thousands of activists for press freedom and human rights took to the streets of Leipzig. Details of the Leipzig Festival of Lights are in your conference folder 

Friday October 9, 2015 16:45 - 17:00 CEST
Schiller Hall, Mediacampus Villa Ida Poetenweg 28, Leipzig

20:00 CEST

Leipziger Lichtfest 2015/ Leipzig Festival of Lights 2015

Every year Leipzig lights up its landmarks to celebrate the 1989 Peaceful Revolution, when tens of thousands of people staged non-violent protests against the German Democratic Republic’s Communist police state. This year’s theme recalls the French Revolution of 1789, with the banner 'Liberté, egalité, fraternité' and spectacular audio visual installations as well as the more intimate candlelit gathering in Augustusplatz. Everyone can join in, all free of charge and no ticket required. Read more: http://www.lichtfest.leipziger-freiheit.de/

Friday October 9, 2015 20:00 - 21:00 CEST
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